Education and Training for Deep Resilience


Our Courses

Resilience is about bouncing back from a catastrophe. Deep resilience is about being able to bounce back time after time, whether the catastrophes be biophysical (hurricanes, earthquakes etc) or economic or social.

 Deep resilience thus rests on sustainability, the ability to provide current needs without destroying the ability of future generations to provide for their needs. Based on what we have lived through, we will need to be prepared for multiple disturbances. Our ability to bounce back will depend on a robust agroecosystem that sustains us through it all, as well as strong neighborhoods and communities.

Our focus is the health of the land, just as Aldo Leopold conceived of it, but we also include healthy human communities. 

Leopold defined land health as the capacity for self renewal, which aligns very well with the idea of deep resilience. That means a robust socio-ecosystem that has all its parts all working together.

A watershed focus recognizes that everything is tied to everything else. What we do upstream has an effect on our downstream  neighbors. And we all live downstream from someone.

We begin with waste.  Our most profound impacts on the planet come from our waste –waste that should not be waste, but should be a sustainable feed restoring soil health.

Our first course is about  making sure on-site septic systems are not put in wet areas, at least not without an engineered system designed to overcome that limitation